The world is increasingly becoming multi-cultural. How might we communicate, motivate and make decisions that make sense to people who come from cultures different from our own. The workshop is based on Erin Meyer's book "The Culture Map" and we will go through three important aspects of culture; communication, motivation, and decision making and how they differ across cultures and how you might be able to apply these principles within your sphere of influence.
Spiritual Warfare - Experiencing Freedom from Bondage to Evil
Just as the promised land was given to Joshua but needed to be subdued through battles so we who come to Jesus need to have him break areas of strongholds that are still under Satan’s control in our lives. Come and learn how to deal with the curses that have come down to us through our ancestors, identify and replace the lies that we believe, be healed our soul wounds, and be set free from all demonic influence and activity in our lives. Also learn about the weapons that have given to us to overcome the resistance of Satan as we seek to advance the gospel. Come and learn to enjoy and walk in the glorious freedom that we have in Jesus Christ, the victor over Satan. Be ready for a beautiful time of personal ministry.
Reverse Culture Shock
Moving to a new culture brings about new stresses, feelings of loneliness and disillusionment. Although many people are familiar with culture shock, reverse culture shock is a topic far less addressed but just as common when returning to your home culture. The track leader will walk students through what to expect and how to prepare for returning home.
Building Strong Relationships & Families
Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: It does not require much science to understand that without God there are no strong relationships/families. My goal through this workshop is that we long to keep God in our lives, in our values and in our relationships. I will share some tools that will help us build a solid life!
Using Bible Stories in a TV Format for Evangelistic Purposes
The story of the paralytic healed by Jesus in Mark 2:1-12 is told in an interview format. A television reporter asks questions of the healed man two years after the event about his encounter with Jesus, revealing cultural, relational, spiritual, domestic, and emotional dimensions of the experience.
How to Deal with Failure in Life and Ministry
We all love to report our successes. Who wants to let others know about our failures! Especially those of us who come from honor/shame cultures have been taught to hide our failures. But failure is a part of life and how we deal with it will certainly affect the direction of our lives. When we allow God to heal us, he will lead us into more fruitfulness and we will lose the shame that the enemy seeks to bind us with. Let us learn from those who failures are featured in the Bible and well as from my life! Come, let us process our failures together.
A love letter from God
This workshop will help us understand some proper paths to a meaningful relationship. It will remind us of God's encouragement to navigate our singleness and how approach relationships different that what the world and medias tells us to.
Joining the ISI Family
This workshop will be taught by President of ISI, Seng Tan and will focus on what it looks like to come on staff with ISI as a former student of the ministry.