In the world that elevates couples and families over singles, is there a place for those of us who are not married? Sometimes it can feel that our families, cultures, and even our church don’t have a place for singleness. What does the Bible say about this? Join this discussion to explore the topic. Let Jesus, who himself was single, be our primary example of how there is absolutely a place and roll for singles within the Kingdom and family of God.
Bible Narrative
The Bible is one continuous narrative full of smaller stories written by many authors. This epic narrative of the Bible all points to Jesus. There are over 500 stories within the Bible, making up roughly 40% of our sacred scriptures. Our post modern world today is full of stories, think about Tik Tok and Instagram reels. If we want to better reach those around us, it would be ideal to communicate in the way that they are best able to relate. Jesus talked in narrative form frequently in his parables. Let’s learn together a different lens to read scripture with, and a different method to communicate with others. Through this workshop it will be taught the art of weaving Bible stories into everyday conversations through storytelling.
Hospitality: God's Heart for the Stranger
Most cultures around the world are incredible at showing hospitality, but at the root of this practice, what motivates us? This workshop will teach about the Biblical foundation of hospitality and how to use the practice of "welcoming the stranger" in furthering God's Kingdom. We don't often think about the significance or the power of the mundane act of hospitality, but God is using our open doors as a means to extend his love and kindness to transform strangers into family. Learn with us about God's heart for the stranger and how the simple act of a shared meal can change the world.
Preparing for Persecution
This workshop will help students understand and become aware of opposition they may face as they seek to be apart of God's Kingdom growing around the world.
Cultural Mapping
The world is increasingly becoming multi-cultural. How might we communicate, motivate and make decisions that make sense to people who come from cultures different from our own. The workshop is based on Erin Meyer's book "The Culture Map" and we will go through three important aspects of culture; communication, motivation, and decision making and how they differ across cultures and how you might be able to apply these principles within your sphere of influence.
Honoring Your Family/Culture
Have you struggled to know how to honor your family and culture after becoming a Christian? You may have differing beliefs and values than your family or culture and through this workshop we will help guide you in honoring them even with your differences.